Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thoughts About Maryland Libraries Learning 2.0

My favorite discoveries on this adventure were all visual: I loved Flickr, YouTube, and making my own avatar. Unexpectedly, I have enjoyed blogging, and I found it exciting what podcasts were available for listening and for subscription. Given more time, I feel like I could have learned a lot more and would have liked to become more comfortable with some of the concepts that did not come easily to me, like tagging and Technorati. Has this program affected my lifelong learning goals? You bet. I went out yesterday and bought a laptop and a digital camera to continue my learning of technology, elementary though it may be. Would I participate in another discovery program? Yes, but I would hope that it might be offered at a time other than summer when we are soooo busy in the branches. This Learning 2.0 was certainly challenging, fun, and gave me a special feeling of accomplishment as I learned to do each new thing. Another unexpected benefit was that our library system acted as a team throughout the learning - there was always someone to ask if I ran into a problem, and always lots of encouragement to keep going.


IrmBrown said...

Thanks for your thoughts. I think it's so exciting that you'll be continuing... you have a lot of good insights. We wish the timing could have been a little different too, but felt it was important to stay in step with the "state." Nice job on the blog.

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